Episode 011: Pining for a sweet singing voice on the other end of your psychic hotline? In this episode, Bess and Sandy tap the tools that teach us that we’re never ever alone—using astro and tarot tips to take us from separation isolation to synched sensation. The convo covers the power of longing, fears of exile, touching in with our internal bonds, and relaxing to reach out, as we yearn and burn to have and to hold this beloved world for life. Duet with the Universe and dance cheek-to-cheek!
Inside your cosmic snack pack:
Chiron (00:09:05): How its placement in your chart reveals a bone deep desire that’s ripe for tenderizing, inviting us to develop more intimacy with our lovable longings.
The Air Houses (00:27:30): How to use these chart zones as scales of proximity, coming closer to our consciousness, one other, and our precious place in the grander scheme.
The Pages (00:45:30): Ecstatic emissaries from a world beyond cynicism, how we can use these little cosmic cuties to release into our hopes and travel hand-in-hand.
Hypnosis for Touching In (00:55:15): A journey in from the cold and back home to your own hot hearth of hooked in at-oneness.
Additional Resources
The Origin of Love: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x57grk
Connection Horoscopes: https://edit.sundayriley.com/how-your-sign-can-feel-more-connected-this-february/
Star Party Podcast Website: https://starpartypodcast.com
Bess Matassa: http://bessmatassa.com
Sandy Sitron: https://www.sandysitron.com